Emergency Assistance Plus
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We are forever grateful for the attention given to us in our extreme time of need.

Ivan L., Colorado

Published on September 16th, 2024

My wife, Lynne, fell in the bathroom at our missionary apartment in South Royalton, VT, suffering severe, life-threatening injuries requiring an ambulance ride to the hospital, surgery, a one-week hospital stay, one week in a rehab facility and months of recovery. Fortunately, I called EA+ the day she was injured.

EA+ immediately contacted the Dartmouth Hitchcock hospital in Lebanon, NH the day of the accident, spoke to Lynne’s case manager, then monitored her progress throughout the ordeal. After 2 weeks of hospitalization and rehab, EA+ paid for the cost of our flights home from Manchester, NH to Colorado, paid for our overnight hotel stay in Chicago during layover there, paid for shipping our personal goods home, paid for one week of my hotel stay while Lynne was in the hospital, hired a driver to return our car to Colorado, and kept in contact with me to make sure all services were performed properly and timely. We are forever grateful for the attention given to us in our extreme time of need.

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The stories herein are true member experiences. The names of the individuals and certain details have been changed to protect member privacy. EA+ offers a variety of membership plans with different service levels. The services described are based on the specific EA+ membership plan that these members purchased. Please review your Member Guide carefully to understand all services available to you, as well as any rules and regulations.