Emergency Assistance Plus
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The EA+ Staff Were Wonderful!

Katherine L., Virginia

Published on August 29th, 2024

Before our family even arrived at our rental house in Connecticut for what was supposed to be a milestone birthday celebration, my husband fell and suffered a massive and serious leg wound, aggravated by Coumadin, which eventually required surgery.  I spent the weekend in the hospital with him while our children and grandchildren explored Mystic Seaport and Mystic Aquarium. 

The EA+ staff were wonderful!  From the start they consulted with me on the phone about what to do.  At first it was unclear whether my husband’s condition would even permit him to leave the hospital to get further treatment at home in Virginia Beach, and if so, whether flying or driving home were medically possible.  Once we reached a plan with doctors in Connecticut and at home, EA+ arranged airport transportation and flights home so my husband could have surgery and a long recuperation there.  Getting our car back home was another problem that EA+ solved by arranging for a professional driver to drive our car from Connecticut to Virginia. 

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The stories herein are true member experiences. The names of the individuals and certain details have been changed to protect member privacy. EA+ offers a variety of membership plans with different service levels. The services described are based on the specific EA+ membership plan that these members purchased. Please review your Member Guide carefully to understand all services available to you, as well as any rules and regulations.